Friday 21 December 2018

**My Ego, My Companion!**

He is with me always,

Holding me in the highest esteem;
And I keep my chin up!

He shows my place among the stars,

And the ones who broke my ladder;
So I stay stuck blaming them! 

He approves of my anger,

By proving that I was right all along;
So I resent the world!

He teaches me patience,

To wait for the life I ought to deserve;
And I hate my life today!

He promises that I will find peace,

As soon as I indulge in this new purpose;
So I abandon the current one halfway!

He makes me see my defects,

And warns me of previous failures;
So I surrender to being weak!

When I start to wonder if this is me,

He awakens my insecurities;
And threatens to expose my voids!

He too shares my fear of loneliness,

So I hold on to him tightly;
And I will be with him always!

Sunday 8 July 2018


She sat in the silence of the dark,
Hiding her head between the knees.
I knew I could lighten her up,
What else a candle ought to do?

I pushed myself into her hands,
And saw her startled face grow a smile.
I saw a hope in her eyes,
And knew she would find her way out!

She held me high and started to walk,
Frantically searching for an exit.
I was glad she was using me,
Until my molten wax dripped on her fingers.

By her jerk I fell down,
And the room was dark once more.
I lit myself again and leapt into her hands,
She held me carefully this time.

She walked in circles to meet bare walls,
Increasing her pace as I was burning out.
Then she blew me off and put into her pocket,
But hey! That’s not how you use a candle.

I tried to escape her pocket and light myself,
But she bottled me in water, and held me tight.
I could be the light to someone else, but
Neither would she let me go nor light me up!

I waited patiently for her to realize my need,
But she kept walking alone in the darkness.
I could hear her sobs and desperate cries,
Each time she banged into a wall of tiles.

I was sad of not being any help to her,
It is my duty to provide light and guide.
But each has their destiny, and she chose hers
To keep a candle in the pocket and live in the dark.

She did not know where she was going,
Nor did she sit or wait around.
Soon her pace increased to a sprint and then a run,
I knew she had found something.

Alas we were out in the open sky!
Full of brightness and birds chirping by.
I was glad she was out of the darkness,
But sad that she did not take my help.

Then she took me out and kissed me tight,
I could see her eyes well up as she thanked,
“Until you came along, I did not know light.
If you too had burned out, so would have my hope!”

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Lawfully Wedded Psychopath!

Do I need to search your heart,
And see if I have a place in it?
I know it is reserved for me alone,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to cook twice a day,
Or even care for your health?
I know you will eat and feed me too,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to surprise you,
Or even try to impress?
I know you have to love me anyhow,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to be modest,
And let you take the credits?
I know you will never make the claim,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to trust you,
And let you make the decisions?
I know you have to obey me,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to end this fight,
And kiss each other a good night?
I know you will please me anyway,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to care for you,
Or for anything that you love?
I know you are going to live with me,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to pardon you,
Or even understand you're guilty?
I know you have to be back by night,
Because you signed the papers.

Do I need to respect you,
Or at least regard you as a human?
I know you cannot leave,
Don't even dare to think that you can!

Friday 1 December 2017

Loner meets Lonely!

You are in a room filled with people
Everyone is calling out to you
But you choose your martini
Decline everyone’s company
And sit alone on the window sill
Absorbing the peace, the night spills...

The black sky with a few stars
The packed streets and passing cars
The distant moon and the tall buildings
You hear sounds but listen nothing
You keep staring into the darkness
You are enjoying the solitude
And wish you had this always!

Your eyes fall upon a distant window
There is a girl sitting on her sill
Her lights are dim and room is still
You look further and see a single bed
In a small room neatly kept
Beside a bookshelf and computer table
And she dressed to be comfortable.
Of course, she lived alone.
She held a glass and stared at the moon
Wish that could have been you!

You will have time, just for you
You will have time, to forgive yourself
You will have time, to let go of your past
You will have time, to search your soul
You will have time, to understand the stars
You will have time, to read a book
You will have time, to develop a hobby
You will have time, to pursue your creativity
You know you will invent something too!
How lucky she must be,
To have all her time just for herself!

You pull out your phone and zoom in on her
She looked beautiful and yet, somehow sad!
You don't understand.
How can grief exist, amidst such peace!
She had no one to please,
She could do anything she wanted.
She could watch a movie eating noodles,
Or step outside for a walk or a drink.
She could get lost inside a novel,
Or just concentrate on her breathe .
There was no one to judge her,
Nor was she obligated to behave.
Why did she still wear that frown?

Across the street sits the lonely girl,
Staring at the couple, holding hands and walking!

Thursday 31 August 2017

The One!

Image result for penguin loveYour touch is so familiar
And yet so peculiar,
With a level of comfort
That none else can assert!

Your voice sets a fire
That burns me in a desire
I can hear you again,
And blood rushes in my veins!

A world of possibility
Gets revealed for eternity,
And all signs benign
When your hands hold mine!

Every inch of self-doubt,
Is settled and forgot.
I find my feet on the ground,
When your arms are on me, around!

Being happy seems so effortless
When love and care are in surplus.
Growing old with you feels so nice,
Every time I look into your eyes!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

**Head-Heart Coordination**

Everything seems flawless,
Nothing worth even a comment.
My head calls it perfect,
But my heart steps back!

When nothing seems right
With a million reasons to give up,
My heart makes the leap,
While my head measures the gap!

There is nothing my head can do,
To stop my heart from falling through.
Yet the head tries to reason out,
Keeping me awake from dusk to dawn.

My heart tries to win the head
With love and hope, and fairy tales.
Though my head knows the truth,
It has to watch me fly and tumble down.

Rarely do I hear the song,
Of my head and heart in chorus.
And that is when the universe says,
“Uh Oh!”

Monday 4 May 2015


Bharat, once a land of gold!
Where treasuries and intellect overflowed.
Proud of its beauty and potent,
But knew to be modest, and yet bold!

Persians took refuge in her generosity,
But Mughals took it as her stupidity.
She let herself get exploited,
To gradually realize their atrocity!

Fighting with a barbarian,
Let her self-esteem drain.
She accepted her defeat,
To teach them morals in vain!

The classy English man stretched his hand,
And she grasped it hard with all her land.
Pleased to know he had come to her aid,
But soon realized, he just wanted to trade.

It was her moment of weakness,
That portrayed her as worthless.
With one hand he helped,
And the other, he humiliated.

Did she really need his favours?
Or did she want her respect?
She rejected him in every way,
And chased him out on one bright day.

The English left with no other option,
And she celebrated her freedom.
With poverty, illiteracy and corruption,
Over famines and her disintegration.

Then she looked at the cities and the bridges,
The schools, railways, and the power houses.
The English did not come just to rob her,
But had now gone, loathed in grudges.

Could she sit to sulk and regret?
Or raise herself higher with a grit?
She had to grow than ever before,
And show the world, she could offer more!

But even after seventy years,
The English calls her “the land of savages”.
How long more will she take to prove?
“Bharat, was and is the land of gold" !

Saturday 18 April 2015

**चाँद !**

चाँद पूरा  हो या अधूरा ,
देख कर साँसे थम जाती हैं।
हाथ बढ़ाते हैं उसे छूने को,
काश हम पहुँच पाते !

किसी की आँखों का नूर हैं ,
और किसी शायर की ग़ज़ल।
हर इंसान की चाहत हैं,
काश उसे हासिल कर पाते !

कभी तन्हा दिल का साथी हैं,
तो कभी भटकते राही की मंज़िल।
हर दीवाने का सपना हैं,
काश उसे अपना पाते !

पर चाँद हैं एक बेजान पत्थर,
जिसकी हर दिशा में हैं सिर्फ अँधेरा।
बस पृथ्वी के चक्कर काटता  रहता  हैं,
इसे आकर्षण कहें, या उसकी मजबूरी ?

Sunday 28 December 2014

Countless Stars!

I lay on a mat
In the clearing of woods,
And gazed at the sky
I dare say it was black!

Like dots of paint
By the press of a spray can,
Millions of stars spread
Covering the entire span!

Bright stars twinkled
And kept me spell bound.
The more I watched,
The more appeared from beyond!

I tried to count
And reached hundred and forty
Then gave up to the vastness
That smirked at my folly!

The ground was cold
And my body grew numb.
But my eyes refused to move
So to the pain, I didn't succumb!

Now I'm back
And my couch is cozy.
I look through my window
At the black sky, empty!

Friday 19 December 2014

**कमी v/s दूरी **

तस्वीरें हैं दो

जिनसे अक्सर बातें करती हूँ

मालूम हैं की वो सुनते हैं,

उम्मीद रखती हूँ जवाब की । 

हर पल बाँट लेती हूँ उनसे 

ख़ुशी हो या ग़म की

महसूस होती है उनकी छाया 

और साथ न होने के कमी भी । 

दुआ मांगती हूँ खुदा से

दोनों को सलामत रखे

एक को जन्नत में शांति मिले 

और दूसरे को धरती पे जन्नत ॥ 

Sunday 23 March 2014


A song on my lips
And a spring in my step
With my heart so light
I could dance all night.

No more guilt clogs me
My conscience has let me free
Wonder if a prison release
Could bring me so much glee.

Time does not heal
Nor does it pardon
It just buries my guilt
Out of my reach.

Mere apology cannot mend
A heart wounded by me
Atonement alone
Has set me free!

Thursday 21 February 2013

**Cupid gives up!**

Once came a knight, 
Just as I had dreamt. 
Held out his heart, 
And asked for my hand. 

I mocked at his valour, 
And scorned at his flattery. 
"Knights are not for real"
And blamed him of treachery.

I stared at the dark,
As he vanished in a gleam! 
No way can this happen, 
It's just another dream!

Though in a trance 
Of this I was sure, 
I deserved another chance, 
For all my wishes were pure.

Then came a fairy 
And whispered in my ear, 
"God save your generation, 
I have no work here!"

Tuesday 22 September 2009


Arms wide open
And broad shoulders,
He welcomes me
With a cold embrace!

One wave falls
Followed by another;
Gently swinging the
Ferrys back and forth.

There hides the Lord,
Blushing, into the horizon;
Letting his silver baroness
Take over the charge.

Anxious chirps
Heard all around;
Home is 'Sweet Home'
For one and all!

He grows stronger
As shadows creep;
Whispering stories
From the yore!

He gushes into the eyes,
Shutting them close;
Then silently kisses,
Watching you yearn for more!

Fair maiden!
Now rises;
Letting her veil,
Trail over the ocean.

Hours fritter away
Jinxed by this breeze;
Best things in life,
Sure come for free!

Sunday 4 March 2007

I am in Love with U!! - Sep 6, '03

I top when it is to prepare
The feelings I wanna share
But no guts to declare
That I m in love with u..

By your sharp gaze
I feel trapped in a maze
But I wish to say on ur face
That I m in love with u..

My heart thuds aloud
Whenever I see u around
I fear to be found
That I m in love with u..

I m scared of the future
Where my dreams wouldn't nurture
To u if I were to lecture
That I m in love with u..

Chastity is what I have picturized
Flirt is in what I 'm disguised
But I know that u have realized
That I m in love with u..

Let time have things its way
And I shal wait for that day
When u'll come to me to say
"i m in love with u"..!!!

Love - Dec 8, '00

Love is pure
A feel of secure
Not all are sure
How much it will lure..

Love is the language
Spoken by hearts for ages
Which can't be written on pages
But seen on the face as images..

Love is never late to be made
It has no time to come and shade
It takes a moment, not a decade
Not all can have it shared..

Love is forever
Law can break it never,
It neither has future nor end
As long as u and me understand..


I m not a blogger really...
Just wanted a showcase for my poems.. thot my blogspot is the best place. Would love to know your honest reviews. Thank you in advance :)